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Seward Public Schools

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Brandon O'Dell Selected SHS Fine Arts Student of the Month for February

SHS Senior, Brandon O’Dell was selected the February SHS Fine Arts Youth of the Month.  He is the son of Brian and Kathie O’Dell of Seward. 

Brandon is a four year member and soloist of the Seward High Marching Band, the Symphonic Band, the SHS Pep Band and District Music Contest Soloist.  He is also a long time member of the SHS Concert Choir, SHS Select Choir, SHS Swing Choir and soloist for the annual Hit’s Night.  He was a participant of All State for three years.  He has participated in the SHS One Acts for all four years and was selected a District Outstanding Actor in 2012.  He has participated in four musicals at SHS, along with Poetry Out Loud and is a three year member of the SHS Speech Team and SHS Quiz Bowl Team.

Brandon is active in the Concordia Summer Chamber Choir, directed by Dr. Kurt von Kampen.

Brandon plans to attend the University of Nebraska in Lincoln.

Brandon O”Dell Selected SHS Fine Arts Student of the Month for February

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